Jason's Page

About Me

My name is Jason and I believe in doing things the right way. I have a passion for building and creating, with strategic thinking as my foundation. I like to think of new ideas, and put them into action. I have a background in business, with professional experience in energy, retail, and consumer goods. Now I am building up my capability in full stack development, in order to build in a digital world.


Suncor Energy Inc.

Category Specialist, Car Wash – Category Management

  • Delivered two annual business plans for the car wash category, using strategic planning and analytical skills to develop key growth initiatives, P&L forecasting, budget allocation, and marketing campaigns, in order to achieve record financial results of $98M in sales and $54M in margin.
  • Oversaw multiple capital investment initiatives using project management and stakeholder management skills to deliver asset upgrades and marketing initiatives to provide a best in class value proposition and customer experience.
  • Responsible for all marketing programs and campaigns, using communication and collaboration skills to bring them to market and ensure successful execution by operations, resulting in 8% YoY unit growth and 50% market share.
  • Led a 5 year strategic business review, using analytical and collaboration skills, which lead to the transformation of campaign strategy, product prioritization, and channel development.

Suncor Energy Inc.

Advisor, Card Production – Transaction Management

  • Brought virtual cards to market, using project management and collaboration skills to work with the development team and sales group to deliver necessary system enhancements and process frameworks needed to launch.
  • As RFP project lead, collaborated with Supply Chain to develop the scope of work and award contracts to 2 vendors, achieving $1.2M in cost savings over two 3 year contracts while also securing improved terms on quality assurance and service level requirements.
  • Used analytics to develop new inventory management score-carding, which overhauled the Card Production supply and distribution chains which enabled the reduction of inventory by 50%, and realized over $250K in cost savings in the first year.

Suncor Energy Inc.

Optimization Analyst – Refining and Logistics

  • Conducted market research and analysis using Argus, in order to prepare weekly reports for Executives with insights on the business environment in the O&G Industry, which was used to support decision making.
  • Through analysis and collaboration with stakeholders, assisted in the preparation of short term refinery production estimates and pricing forecasts to optimize refinery capacity utilization and maximize profitability of refined products.
  • Used organization skills and attention to detail to reliably deliver business performance and pricing reports to stakeholders, in order to support trading activities and accounting processes.

Suncor Energy Inc.

Account Manager – Commercial Road Transport

  • Managed a base client portfolio worth $40M, developing sales and relationship management skills to retain existing business while growing to new clients, resulting in a 10% increase in base accounts within my portfolio.
  • Prepared pitch decks and RFP proposals for high value clients, using communication and presentation skills to win new business, including the closing of FedEx and City of Toronto accounts worth over 100ML in combined volume.

